
Workplace Burnout, Frustration, Stress: Lets get over it and get back to work.

Looking at the case of burn out in a simple manner – The burn out may not always be a result of some thing drastic, but just a little extra bit of work pressure, and too much of concentrated focus on work for some extra stretch of time.

man working using a laptop
Photo by Oladimeji Ajegbile on

Just look at the picture above. Does it ring a bell ? 

Have you felt like the guy in there , any time ? 

It can be very well assumed that all of us who have been in the cubicle game – is represented by this guy. The representation may not be a perpetual event. It may  however be reflective of our state at some point of time or the other during our career. As long as we are in the rat race – we are bound to have a feeling of being burnt out, worked out and feeling totally lost.

It is negative and bad, when you are “actually” in a state of burn out. You loose focus and you loose your way for some time. 

Looking at the case of burn out in a simple manner – The burn out may not always be a result of some thing drastic, but just a little extra bit of work pressure, and too much of concentrated focus on work for some extra stretch of time. 

So let’s not start blaming the workplace, company, bosses and the world for our stressed and worked out state.  At least burnout based on work pressure is easier to justify. In most cases you can in fact derive a good amount of satisfaction out of the whole story –  once you get over with your work, and deliver on the project.

If the stressed out state is induced by – “just a little extra bit of work pressure” – your case is actually not that bad.

Do you feel satisfied at the end of it ? 

Do you feel that that extra bit of effort and pressure has enabled the delivery of some thing critical, or enabled you to achieve the closure of that coveted project or helped you clinch a deal.

Now if that’s the case, or if you have really been able to deliver and do good at work place – what’s the problem ? You should feel happy and content at having achieved your milestones.

Since, at the end of the story – with the work or project getting complete you would end up being happy, satisfied and motivated. Let’s suggest you some tried and tested commonsensical ways to beat the stress and get back to work with required focus.

Symptoms of  burn out , being worked out, mid work stress etc.

You feel tired, exhausted, your mind seems to be over worked and saturated with various thoughts or better still the saturation level is so high that you can think any thing. You are just lost for some time. You may also feel irritated with your work place, your bosses, colleagues, work etc.

Next time you feel this way

Step 1: See if you can take a break. It may not be a well deserved vacation or an extra day added to the weekend. Those are the indulgences that most of us sitting in cubicles can’t normally afford considering lack of – “time”. Your employer has to sanction the leave and well that’s the question mark part ?

Well, if you are able to negotiate a leave / vacation its great , however for all those “denied” souls – the break could be a simple – 5 min’s to 15 min’s, of peaceful breathing, to at least one night of good sleep what ever comes in easy. And well, it’s advisable that the above prescription is to be exercised in isolation – don’t mix work related thoughts during the “breathing exercise” or “sleep routine”. You may want to visualize some thing beautiful, start dreaming of a vacation or start dreaming of the next promotion etc. 

You will feel relaxed. Try it.   

Step 2: Think of all the good things that comes from your hard work and dedication to your work place. Most of the discontented souls will say – “I have never got any thing” , ” I never got my last years promotion or pay raise”.  For those souls i have a simple though to share – Working for an organization is a two way process – you get some thing and you are expected to give some thing in return. Most people feel , getting some thing is only in form of salary – bonuses and promotions. Well – think further, that’s the short term expectations, you are working to earn – learn – and deliver. Learning and delivery, is some thing people forget. 

I really feel “learning” and the feeling of confidence that comes from your ability to deliver is some thing that will keep you going. This feeling will give you the confidence to do well in future in your present job as well as your next.  Having achieved more on the learning and confidence part allows you to move forward. Think about it. 

The above, is not just valid for people who are in some form of employment, the same hold true for people who are entrepreneurs or independent professionals.

So head for your work desk and give your best – the feeling of satisfaction that comes from having achieved , succeeded – is the real motivator.

Image Credit: Pexels  

Note: Post originally published on Praveen’s HiringSquare blog in 2012. Has been edited in July 2021, with fresh image and minor edits.

By Praveen Mishra

Praveen is the Founder & Principal Consultant of KHEdge, a boutique HR & Business Process Advisory firm. Over last 15 years he has advised & worked with promoters, founders, business leaders, HR leaders in areas of - Business Strategy, HR Strategy, Organisation Design etc.

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