
Lockdown 2.0: MHA issues fresh guidelines for workplaces that open up after 20th April

In his address to the nation on 14 April 2020, the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi announced that the nationwide lockdown will be extended till May 3 to further strengthen the efforts of the authorities to contain the novel coronavirus. However, he also mentioned that taking into consideration the impact of lockdown on the […]


Wipro cancels employee travel to coronavirus hit cities

Indian software major, Wipro recently announced that it has suspended employee travel to coronavirus-hit China, Hong Kong, and Macau. The Bengaluru-based company on Wednesday told news agency IANS in a statement that, “Wipro has suspended travel to and transit through mainland China, including Hong Kong and Macau, until further notice. Employees have also been advised […]


Error: System Overload! How breaks help you prevent burnout from work

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” We all have heard this proverb somewhere in our lives. But we never understood the meaning of it thoroughly until we started working. We all work. It’s a kind of ritual that every grown-up follows to sustain his/her lifestyle unless you aspire to be a […]

Career Insights For Employers & HR Professionals

Stress affects 95% of Indian Millennials. Global Average is 86%

A survey conducted by Cigna TTK Health Insurance Company revealed that 95% of Indian millennials, between age group 18-34, are stressed compared to the global average of 86%. Work is said to be the main trigger for stress amongst Indians. Highlights of the Survey:  95% of Indian millennials are stressed. There lies an underlined taboo […]


Dhamma (Dharma) at workplace.

Dhamma is a pali word which borders around the Sanskrit word Dharma. We are not talking about Dharma as any religion. We are just talking about Dharma as what needs to be done and the right way of doing things – a philosophy. Dhamma at workplace is just about taking up learnings from Dhamma, and […]


Why you may be unhappy at work ?

Almost every third person I meet seems to be looking out for a job change. Most of them seem to be ever unhappy with their jobs, and some seem to be just bored. I am sure most of you who are reading this post may also fall in either of these two categories – unhappy […]