Praveen Mishra

Praveen is the Founder & Principal Consultant of KHEdge, a boutique HR & Business Process Advisory firm. Over last 15 years he has advised & worked with promoters, founders, business leaders, HR leaders in areas of - Business Strategy, HR Strategy, Organisation Design etc.

Planning your Job Search – tips for fast trackers ..

May be read as a continuation of : Fast track career growth & job search: Challenges Some suggestions that can help you plan better and act better on your job search efforts are outlined below. See if they can give you a direction. The title reads – “for fast trackers” – however the suggestions may…

Fast track career growth & job search: Challenges

Are you one of those high flyers – whose success and growth seems to be a liability ? At least during your efforts of job search. You are a fast tracker with a small career span, and are already too expensive for employers. Moving up in the corporate hierarchy and your increasing pay packets can…

Guidelines on screening a resume ..

If you are a Job Seeker – you can have a look at the check list, and get a better understanding on how to build your resume, and what mistakes to avoid, so as the resume is seen in a positive manner by hiring managers. If you are a Hiring Manager – you can identify…

It’s time to leave !!

Why did you leave your last organisation ? Lots of consulting and research companies undertake numerous surveys and studies – to demystify the attrition puzzle, and come out with their findings. What triggers the decision for employees to separate from their employer ? When should an employee realise that’s its time to leave ? I…

Survival at Workplace & Career Growth

  Survival is not just about being the best or doing your best, its also about being good at people and relationship management. You may not be the best on the desired functional competency but if you have an excellent alignment with people around you, with people at key management positions you are sure to…

Handling Performance Appraisals

Performance Appraisal, is a key activity that supports the Performance Management Process and Initiatives for any organization. This is an assessment of employee’s performance vis-a-vis expectations of the organization. For most companies Performance Appraisal is an annual event – and one of the most religious ones. Considering the impact that an annual assessment has on…

Would you apply for a job with a poorly written Job Description ?

A number of times, recruiters, hiring managers and employers may miss on some great candidates for senior level roles, CxO roles just because of poorly documented job descriptions. While browsing through one of the job portals for CxO Level position postings, we came across some JDs which had extremely generic and possibly copy pasted content.

Are you ready to quit your job ?

Before you answer this question, just ask yourself – Do you have a job in hand ? Well if your answer to the above is – yes, and you do have some thing definite planned for yourself, you can answer the above in affirmative.  If the answer to the above is – No, please ensure…

How to get yourself valued at workplace ?

Getting yourself valued and recognized at workplace is extremely important. This is relevant if you want to land the best of assignments, get an opportunity to work on great projects and thereby get ready for a fast track movement in your organizational hierarchy.

Why you may not become a CEO ?

You have impeccable credentials – a degree from one of the top rung business schools, good number of work experience with some of the top brands –  still you may not get a claim to the CEOs cabin. A good number of professionals fail to get on to the top box in their organization despite…

Compensation decision for new hires ..

Mature organizations with robust processes and practices have established compensation norms, for various bands, hierarchy levels, and functions. These compensation levels are derived based on Job Analysis, Job Evaluation supported by Compensation Benchmarking exercises. Some company may also arrive at these norms based on their industry benchmarks and their business projections. Normally mature organization’s try…