Category: Performance & Productivty

How to set and support your team’s resolutions in 2021

Time will tell what 2021 will hold for employers, teams and workers. Setting goals at the start of the year will offer a North Star for many employees. It will help to unite teams, at a time when many people remain working remotely. It will provide motivation to individuals and will keep careers developing, ready for the future.

How to be more efficient while working from home

Today the number of remote workers is greater than ever before and due to recent circumstances such as COVID-19, more employees are turning to virtual jobs. While many workers like the idea of working from home, it’s normal for people to feel detached and alienated from their colleagues. Have a morning routine Having a morning…

How to manage the painful realities of “Working from Home”

Since the novel coronavirus outbreak, organizations around the world have shifted from offices to living rooms. The pandemic has led to the world’s largest work-from-home experiment. And while the idea was a farfetched dream for employees, the pandemic has certainly sped up the entire process of it. With companies like Twitter, Shopify, Square, and Facebook…

How to improve employee development at your company?

There are plenty of ways which can lead to the success of your company. You can pull levers on product development, QA sales, marketing, customer relation, etc. But employee development is something that is not correctly prioritized by many organizations. Employee Development refers to a process where organizations help employees improve by upgrading his/her knowledge…

Juggling between budget, bell curve and people priorities: For functional leaders.

Every business is different, every individual is different. Give a thought to what can work in a particular case. Retaining and keeping your teams motivated is the key, and there has to be a way around. Think. #bellcurve #manpowerbudget #peopleprioritiesThese insights are primarily for the functional managers, and HOD’s. At times it’s difficult to find a…

Bringing objectivity in your performance management process.

Any performance management process is based on simple framework. Performance Planning, or Target Setting (KRA*, KPI**, Measures) Performance Review (Review – Feedback – Appraisal – Related decisions.) If you want to bring objectivity in your performance management process, you have to ensure that the performance planning exercise assigns tasks and related targets to employees based…

When it’s difficult to bring objectivity around your KRA & KPI’s?

Ideally for an effective performance management system supporting organisational productivity – it is recommended that the performance plan (KRA & KPI’s) for employees stay as objective as possible. In most cases however, it is not really possible. This is more true in case of employees at junior management and frontline, as well for employees in…