Fiat starts “Touch-free” online retailing of Jeep automobiles amid coronavirus

The automobile sector has been facing a sharp decline in its sale amidst the ongoing pandemic. Companies like Maruti Suzuki have for the first time reported zero sales, indicating how severely the crisis has hit the industry.

Attempting to save its sales and further build customer network, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles India recently announced the launch of its online ‘touch-free’ Jeep retail experience in response to continued movement restrictions and social distancing due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Prospective customers can book and own a Jeep online without having to physically visit a showroom and will enjoy the convenience of a test drive and sanitized vehicle delivery at their doorstep, the company said in a statement.

FCA India President and Managing Director Partha Datta said, “Our commitment is to ensure customers can still continue to access Jeep at their fingertips. To ensure health, safety and convenience, we are making the Jeep retail experience as touch-free as possible.”

The online booking is being dovetailed into a 360-degree digital retail architecture that will deliver an easy-to-use experience for customers and prospective customers can book and own a Jeep without leaving the safety of their homes, he added.

Customers need to submit details such as their contact information, geographical location, choice of vehicle variant, colour, powertrain and transmission. After reconfirmation, they can proceed to pay the booking amount via online payment options.

Afterwards, FCA’s automated retail architecture will automatically create a unique ID and link the customer’s information to its authorized dealer in that city and a sales executive will assist the customer for a test drive, booking and final payment, the company added.

“The touch-free retail experience is designed to enhance convenience for customers. Physical distancing has become the new normal and keeping this in mind, our approach is to ensure customers, as well as our dealer showroom staff, are well protected,” Datta said.

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