Khiron Life Sciences appoints Chris Naprawa to the Board

Khiron Life Sciences Corp, a vertically integrated cannabis leader with core operations in Latin America and Europe, announces the appointment of Chris Naprawa as Director and  Chairman of the Board. 

In his new role as President, Chris will continue to guide the Company and the Board as Khiron continues its commercialization phase of its medical cannabis business strategy in Latin America and globally. The Company further announces that Michael Beck has resigned from the Board, including as member of the Audit and Compensation Committees, effective immediately.  

“I congratulate Chris on this appointment which comes at a dynamic time for the Company. Today we are a recognized cannabis leader in Latin America, generating revenue and market share as the first and only company authorized for low- and high-THC sales in Colombia, and with expanded sales activity in Latin America, Europe and beyond. In his role as President, Chris has played an integral part in these developments and in increasing investor understanding of our business. As Chairman, Chris will provide tremendous support and guidance to ensure our focus on a continued and sustainable global growth,” comments Alvaro Torres, Khiron CEO, Director and Co-Founder.

“When I first arrived at Khiron I was inspired by the vision of Alvaro and the team, and the opportunity ahead. To now see our first patients being helped by the medical cannabis products that Khiron produces is humbling, and I look forward to seeing many more in the coming years. In the last two years we have completed two acquisitions and four financings and are one of the few cannabis companies with a solid capital structure, as Khiron commercializes product lines in several different markets. It has been a great privilege to serve as President of this company, and work with this incredible team of professionals, and I am excited to continue this work in the new role,” comments Chris Naprawa, Khiron Board Chair.

Khiron Life Sciences Corp. is the dominant integrated medical cannabis company in Latin America. Khiron has core operations in Latin America, along with activity in North America and Europe, and is licensed in Colombia for the cultivation, production, domestic distribution, and international export of both tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) medical cannabis. 

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