Moody’s ESG Solutions names Emilie Mazzacurati as Global Head of Climate Solutions

Moody’s ESG Solutions Group, a business unit of Moody’s Corporation serving the growing global demand for ESG and climate insights, has announced the appointment of Emilie Mazzacurati as Global Head of Climate Solutions. Mazzacurati will report to Andrea Blackman, Global Head of Moody’s ESG Solutions.

In this newly-established role, Mazzacurati will oversee the climate solutions suite within Moody’s ESG Solutions Group, a new business unit formed earlier this year to serve the growing global demand for ESG and climate analytics. 

“As global awareness and recognition of the financial risks posed by climate change increase, Moody’s is committed to meeting market needs for forward-looking, science-driven climate analytics that help advance a resilient financial system, responsible capitalism, and the greening of the economy,” said Blackman. “Emilie’s extensive climate expertise will be vital to our continued development of climate solutions and to ensuring that Moody’s is a leading voice in this important area.”

As part of its climate solutions suite, Moody’s ESG Solutions provides risk measurement and evaluation tools to understand, quantify and manage climate risks for physical and transition risk, informing due diligence and risk disclosure in line with the recommendations from the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

Moody’s ESG Solutions climate offerings build on the award-winning physical climate risk analytics from Four Twenty Seven, a leading provider of climate risk data and market intelligence, founded by Mazzacurati in 2012. 

Moody’s acquired a majority stake in Four Twenty Seven in 2019 and recently took full ownership. Moody’s climate solutions suite also leverages data from V.E, a Moody’s affiliate with expertise in transition risk, ESG, and corporate disclosures.

Image Credit: Michael Nagle/Bloomberg


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