TNT Express CEO Marie-Christine Lombard resigns – Bernard Bot interim CEO



The Supervisory Board of TNT Express today announced that Marie-Christine Lombard, CEO of TNT Express, has tendered her resignation, which was accepted by the Supervisory Board, to pursue an external career opportunity. She will leave the company by the end of September.

The Supervisory Board has asked the current CFO, Bernard Bot, to take over as interim CEO. Mary Harris, member of the Supervisory Board, will be available to offer advice and support to Bernard and the rest of the management team.

Antony Burgmans, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, said: "It is regrettable that Marie-Christine has decided to leave TNT Express now. We thank Marie-Christine for her contributions and wish her well for the future. This development has no bearing on the intended merger with UPS, which we expect to complete in early 2013. Moreover, the underlying business remains robust and continues to be well managed by an experienced Management Board. We have complete confidence in Bernard’s ability to lead the business and to see through the merger with UPS."

Source: TNT

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