Medefer raises £10 mn funding led by Nickleby Capital

Medefer, the U.K.-based virtual healthcare provider, announced it has raised £10 million in new funding led by Nickleby Capital, a private investment firm.

The funding will be used to grow the team and invest in technology to “service new contracts, enable new product development and ensure scalable and robust growth”.

Founded in 2013 by NHS consultant Dr Bahman Nedjat-Shokouhi, Medefer is a CQC regulated healthcare provider that has developed a digital platform that connects GPs, consultants, and patients, with the aim of delivering a more efficient outpatient system.

Described as an “outpatient operating system” coupled with a nationwide network of contracted NHS consultants working remotely, Medefer claims to manage the patient pathway — from referral to triage to investigation, diagnosis and discharge — without the need for unnecessary physical outpatient appointments.

Headline features include cases being reviewed by NHS consultants within 10 hours on average, compared to several weeks using traditional models. For NHS Trusts and CCGs using Medefer, the company claims that outpatient costs are cut by a third, and waiting lists reduced by 70%, in part due to being able to remove duplication in consultations, such as seeing a consultant only to be told that a test or scan is needed first.

“The outpatient model has not changed since before the inception of the NHS, and has significant inefficiencies,” says Nedjat-Shokouhi. “With increasing patient numbers, the inefficiencies have resulted in growing waiting lists, and of course this has been significantly worsened by the pandemic”.

“Our digital platform removes inefficiencies and duplication, resulting in a significantly streamlined and faster pathway,” says Nedjat-Shokouhi. “Furthermore, we enable NHS consultants to work in their own time. This provides additional clinical capacity back into the NHS that would have otherwise not been utilised”.


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