NSDC and Hero Vired enter into a strategic alliance to upskill the Indian youth

Edtech startup Hero Vired announced it has collaborated with National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) to offer internships, industry projects and financial support to professionals and higher education aspirants. 

The collaboration aims at developing innovative training programs in emerging and relevant technologies such as drone deployment and game designing, among others. As the technology innovation partner, Hero Vired will support NSDC by creating a digital platform to host learner certifications. This strategic alliance will also help drive NSDC’s vision of creating a future-ready workforce through advanced skill training across sectors. The partnership will enable Hero Vired to play a proactive role in NSDC’s mission in transforming the skill landscape, the statement said.

All programs available through the collaboration are aligned to the National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF) and will be co-certified by NSDC, a statement said.

Ved Mani Tiwari, Chief Operating Officer, NSDC said, “The partnership with Hero Vired will focus on upskilling India’s youth by building their capabilities in new-age skills. The economic landscape is changing rapidly and NSDC endeavors to enable the country’s youth to adapt to this shift. Our vision is to enhance, support and bring together private sector initiatives for skill development. Through this association and by introducing such innovative programs that augment learning in advanced technologies, we endeavour to make the youth competent and future ready.”

Akshay Munjal, CEO and Founder, Hero Vired said, “Hero Vired and NSDC share a vision of reimagining education and skilling in the country. At Hero Vired, the pedagogy consists of instructor-led and hands-on learning. We offer select programs where we are closely involved in the academic side of the business, i.e., creating academic content and delivering it in line with industry requirements – all of which will be aided by the NSDC partnership. We already offer programs in several niche technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, fintech, and game designing, and more, and this collaboration will improve the employability of the youth and open up multifarious avenues for their professional development.”

The programs will focus on holistic end-to-end learning and equip learners with a comprehensive understanding of not only tools and technologies across relevant fields, but the business aspect and soft skills required for problem-solving. While students enrolled in part-time programs at Hero Vired will get a chance to work on industry projects, full-time enrollees will be given internship opportunities where they will work with organisations on solving real-life problems in their domains, the statement said.

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