Sunday. A day to get inspired.

Sunday. A day to get inspired.

I really love my Sunday’s. Today, it’s  a Sunday. A relaxed Sunday, where in I am enjoying the nice and comfortable January Sun. It’s peaceful. Thankfully, not much of noise from around.

I have tried to adhere to one rule for a long time, at least since the time i started working. Sunday second half , i need for myself. I am not too keen on any meeting, catch up with friends etc. I need a peaceful evening. This started as a justification to get myself prepared for a long working week and a busy week. I just needed to get reoriented and start thinking about work.

Gradually, the reason to keep my Sunday’s for myself, changed. As i started discovering – my need for peace on a Sunday was not to prepare for the coming busy week, but to give my head and body a break from the weird schedule of working through the week, and partially through the weekend. Most of you also have a similar schedule  – work through the week, and party on weekends, shopping and cleaning on weekends.

Where is the time to relax ? I never felt that i got the time to recharge myself or rejuvenate my senses , my mind etc. ? It was just of a routine – work, party, sleep, and get back to work ?

Sunday second half probably was an answer, and i started realizing the value of keeping my Sunday post noon, silent & relaxed. And, well i used to start preparing for this relaxed feel from Sunday morning itself, by way of getting up early, getting organized, finishing my chores, organizing my place and well here i am relaxed in a clean and peaceful environment. Of course this rule has been broken many times, and when ever this gets broken i feel disturbed, and the disturbance lasts for quite some time.

I need time for myself, and i need to relax and think. Sunday, has of course become a day to introspect, and think about what is right and wrong with me. Sunday is the time for me to enjoy a peaceful existence. Sunday, is a time to connect with my inner self and get inspired.

Photo © Praveen Mishra, Clicked at Ram Jhula , Rishikesh , during my last trip to Rishikesh in September 2012. Since, this pic does not contain any personal details, and i have not watermarked it, you are welcome to use the same. Do remember to give the due photo credit to me / my blog. 🙂

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