In view of the new SEBI rules on corporate governance, it has been observed that over 200 companies are falling short on the deadline to split the roles of Chairperson and Managing director. In 2018, the Indian regulator SEBI advised the top 500 listed companies to appoint a Non-Executive Chairperson on their board. As per…
Tag: Chairman
Wipro Chairman Rishad Premji’s to lose executive role due to SEBI rules
•In the wake of the new guidelines proposed by market regulator SEBI, Wipro Chairman Rishad Premji might lose his executive powers in the tech company after 1 April, as per a TOI report. In 2018, SEBI through its rules had directed the top 500 listed companies in India to ensure that their chairperson is a…
Cognizant Board Elects Michael Patsalos-Fox as Chairman.
•The US-based IT firm Cognizant, on Monday, announced that the company’s Board has elected Michael Patsalos-Fox as its new Chairman. Patsalos-Fox, 65, succeeds John E Klein, who has served as Chairman for nearly 15 years and will remain a Board member. Prior to his new role, Patsalos-Fox was working with Finance, Management Development and Compensation, and…