How to deal with a mid-career crisis?

A mid-career transition is not always what it seems. Changing careers could be very risky, hence it is important to think through some crucial points.

We all know someone who has faced the mid-career crisis. Some of us have also been there and it is not the best situation to be in. A mid-career crisis is a very normal and natural situation to be in. While some of us cannot skip this phase, we can always look at the better ways to deal with this situation. It is advisable to take a systematic approach to the situation.

Know how to take some time off. Apply to leave to go on a nice vacation and clear your head. Optionally, take a few days off and sit at home and enjoy more time with your loved ones. After working non-stop for a few years now, you deserve to take more time for yourself. Even a well-deserved rest is what we need to do!

Stand back, take a look, think. What do you think caused the downward spiral? Is it tension at the workplace, or is there a deeper fundamental cause that has contributed to this current situation? Determining the cause that triggers the slump is a foundation for solving the issue.

Think about how your current job adds to your value. Figure out how it helps you grow.
Everyone needs to find meaning in life, and the answers to these questions will help you find your meaning. When the cloud has raised your head, odds are you’ll know that things aren’t as grim as they originally seemed.

Think about your achievements. Recall that one time where you came up with a good deal. Looking back at your accomplishments will make you understand how important your work has been to your life. By remembering easy memories and concentrating on happier new ones, you can be able to reconnect with your job.

Think about how you want to feel at work. Now try to incorporate the tasks that will generate those feelings. Set your targets. These may involve the completion of a presentation within a specified timeframe or the completion of activities that would help you restore your confidence and enable you to work towards greater goals.

This crisis could also simply be an unidentified monotony due to the same type of work. Try to switch up the roles or take different challenges. Ask your boss to incorporate new tasks or give you a new assignment. This will bring some change in your daily, mundane work routine and can feel like a new job altogether.

If you have tried everything and nothing seems to be working for you then, do not be afraid to make the career change. Choose what you intend to do carefully, prepare and analyse well and give it a whirl. It is better to take a chance in the expectation of potential happiness than to remain stagnant in pain.

The only way to dig yourself out of a career crisis is to find a greater meaning to what you’re doing. A mid-career crisis does not always mean a career change. It could simply be the boredom. With that being said, it is never too late to drop and drift towards a path that calls you towards itself or when your current job isn’t fulfilling enough. Look for new opportunities, learn new skills and find a mentor who will help you through the way ahead.

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Anjali is studying journalism at the University of Delhi. She has had some experience  in writing blogs, news posts, interviewing professionals for feature write-ups etc., and aspires to host a TV show someday soon.

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