If you ever thought of benchmarking your compensation levels with the industry, we have prepared a compilation based on analysis of compensation levels from across Telecom, BFSI, Media, Manufacturing – Auto, Engineering, IT sectors.
The compensation ranges that can be representative of most sectors / industries and companies in India. The From – figure can be taken as 50th Percentile, and the To, figure can be taken as 90th Percentile for the representative sample.
The compensation ranges mentioned here would mean Annual TCTC (Annual Total Cost to Company), and would include Fixed Compensation as well as Variable Compensation, however other compensation elements – Deferred Bonus, ESOP etc., may not be a part of the figures mentioned here.
Check out, your compensation levels:
The terms used for Designations – as in the table above, may vary from business to business and may not be equivalent for all businesses or companies. A Manager in Company X & a Manager in Company Y, may at times be totally different in terms of role size and width. The analysis here, refers to the typical designation pattern used in most Indian companies. For some company’s Managers role would be equivalent to the Sr.Managers / AVP Band as mentioned above, you may exercise such consideration in referring to the table. Similarly, for some companies the Designation of Director, may come before a VP Designation. For them the Director role would typically be equivalent of the GDM/GM/VP role as shown in the table above. You can also check on the compensation levels based on years of experience.
The data is being presented level wise and specific functions have not been considered separately for this analysis. However for those who are interested, some observations:
- Typical high compensations (above 70th percentile) exist for people in strategic role at Head Office levels, as compared to operations role at a business unit level, for similar kind of experience.
- Functions like Administration, Accounts, Logistics, Materials, Projects, Procurement – compensation levels are usually lower as compared to other functions, for the same hierarchical levels & similar years of experiences.
Other Notes:
**Promoter CEO’s / CEOs & Leadership of large corporates compensation is not represented in this analysis. Engineers / Engineer Trainees Compensation may correspond to the ET / Exec / Sr. Ex Bracket. For IT Companies – Developer / Sr. Developer / TL may correspond to Sr. Exec / AM ranges. For TL / Project Manager etc. – you may refer to the Manager / Sr. Manager levels. The data may not be representative of small / mid size companies. Data may not reflect and relate on the highly paid campus hires from top campuses at least at the starting level, most of such cases get over the 90/95th percentile on compensation front as per market benchmarks. The table has to be seen as an indicative reference only, and not for organizational compensation benchmarking. All the figures have been rounded off to the nearest 50,000 – 100,000 – for ease of reference. This study has not established detailed job equivalence’s based of the levels and positions represented, however an overview of job profiles has been considered to group similar positions and levels together based on their role sizes, job widths etc.