Tag: Coronavirus – 2020 (Novel Coronavirus , Covid 19)

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are known to cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

A novel coronavirus (COVID-19) was identified in 2019 in Wuhan, China. This is a new coronavirus that has not been previously identified in humans.

Source: Who.int

The posts in this section are related to the news and updates on corporate action, employer actions, and related developments in the economy due to the epidemic.

Coronavirus: Sony Pictures contributes Rs100 mn to daily wage workers in Media & Entertainment industry

Coronavirus pandemic has put the entire planet under lockdown leading to shutdown of operations across industries. The shutdown has left hundreds and thousands of daily wage workers or temporary/contractual workers unemployed in these times. They are the ones who are struggling to make ends meet. In order to help them sustain under lockdown, Sony Pictures…

Coronavirus Impact: Travel industry becomes ground zero for job losses

The coronavirus pandemic has now started to impact the world economy to another level. The novel virus outbreak, which was once considered to be China’s “internal problem”, has now become a global headache. The World Health Organization has now termed the outbreak as “pandemic”, forcing governments to act on war footing to combat the disease…

Flipkart, Uber partner to deliver everyday essentials to consumers across three cities

Online marketplace Flipkart recently announced a partnership with Uber to provide people across Bangalore, Mumbai, and Delhi access to everyday essentials, amidst the ongoing national lockdown. This partnership will keep vital supply chains running and will address the growing needs of Flipkart customers to receive essential goods at their doorsteps every day. It will also…

Lufthansa CFO resigns citing health reasons

Germany’s flag carrier Lufthansa is reportedly looking for a new Chief Financial Officer in the midst of a crisis created by the global coronavirus pandemic. Lufthansa recently announced that its Chief Financial Officer Ulrik Svensson has resigned citing health reasons. The 58-year old executive had been a member of the company board since January 1,…

How to stay mentally healthy in times of a pandemic

The global coronavirus pandemic is in its full effect. Risk of catching the flu is on the rise more than ever, stock markets are at an all-time low, a global recession is knocking on the doors of the world economy and individuals are now confined to their homes. The lockdown imposed by governments around the…

Bigbasket plans to recruit 10,000 employees to fulfill deliveries

The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has crippled the economy with many experts fearing a global recession, possibly worse than the 2009 financial crisis. The impact of the pandemic can already be seen in the industries. The travel and hospitality industry has been the worst hit among all due to lockdowns and travel restrictions imposed by governments…

Simpolo Ceramics commits Rs50 lakhs to fight Covid-19

The pandemic and the concern related to the extent of damage it can cause had brought in a good degree of participation form major corporations, philanthropists, and business leaders to support the fight against the pandemic. Simpolo Ceramics announced its contribution of Rs. 50 lakhs to PM & CM Care funds to fight the COVID…

MOIL to contribute Rs45 cr in PM-CARES Fund

MOIL, a state-owned manganese-ore mining company, announced it will be contributing Rs 45 crore to the PM-CARES fund to support the cause for the fight against Covid-19 pandemic that has already impacted millions of lives in the world. The company in its press statement mentioned how it has been following the impacts of coronavirus in…