Ericsson supports UNICEF in the fight against COVID-19 pandemic in India

To help address urgent healthcare needs in India brought about by the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in the country, Ericsson announced its support to UNICEF’s COVID-19 humanitarian response in the country. As part of their support, Ericsson made an upfront donation to UNICEF and launched a month-long company matching employee donation drive globally…

YuWaah, UNICEF, Capgemini and UNGCNI collaborate to skill young people

YuWaah, UNICEF, Capgemini and United Nations Global Compact Network India (UNGCNI) have entered into a collaboration to work together on providing India’s young people with skillsets that will help empower them for creating their career pathways. This initiative aims to offer a range of opportunities like local demand-based skilling with job matching through quality internships…

ADB allocates $20 mn to help developing members access COVID-19 vaccines

The Asian Development Bank (ADB), a multilateral development financial institution, announced it has allocated $20.3 million in technical assistance to help its developing members access vaccines for the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and establish systems to enable equitable and efficient vaccine distribution.  The funds will be available for ADB developing members to support vaccine-related health system assessments and…