Category: Career

3 Skills that will get you a premium job in 2013

2013 is going to start soon and so are my hiring plans. Though I shudder thinking of the candidates. Almost all applications that I receive are either full of tasks that a person did or the qualifications that she has managed to acquire. Now, I am not a big fan of qualifications or past experience…

Restarting from a work break for women ..

    Almost every leading corporate, and business across the board have seen an increase in women as a part of the workforce. The effort at hiring women and enabling opportunities for talent women professionals, have also been a priority for many leading corporate who appreciate the case of gender diversity, and have been able…

Evaluating a job offer.

I was planning to title this article as “Evaluating a job offer or a job prior to applying..”. I decided to keep it “Evaluating a job offer ..” since it’s difficult for one to evaluate a job on the parameters mentioned below prior to applying for the job. Most of the time an interview interaction…

Typical Career Opportunities in Cab Rental Companies

This may be read along with Car Rental Business: Opportunities being created.. Good career opportunities get created as and when a business starts scaling up. Normally a cab company is all about Drivers, Dispatch Executives, Maintenance guys, and may be accounting guys. However, the moment we talk of seriousness and scale in the sector –…

Evaluating a Prospective Employer.

This article is next in line to my earlier post – The challenges of evaluating employers and job offers .. Just the way an employer, through its hiring manager and executives evaluate a candidate during a job interview, you need to evaluate your prospective employer. If you are any bit good, professionally, and have some…

When an organizational realignment gets dirty.

In last few months we have read about a number of companies that have initiated some kind of organisation restructuring or re-alignment leading to job redundancies and job cuts. While these situations are painful for people who get impacted , its not a great picture for the organisation either. Most of the time these decisions…

The challenges of evaluating employers and job offers

  Evaluating future employers is not easy, and then evaluating any job offer that comes your way can be more challenging. Whenever my industry colleagues speak to me about job offers and seek suggestions if they should go for it or let it pass – I normally hint at the need to look at the…

Hay Group Study – Best Companies for Leadership

Hay Group, the global management consulting firm, recently released its seventh annual Best Companies for Leadership Study, identifying the global Top 20 and Asia’s Top 10 best companies for leadership and examining how those companies nurture talent and foster innovation in their ranks. This year, General Electric topped the global list, followed by Procter &…

Why did Greg Smith quit Goldman Sachs? Culture ! Moral Fiber !

We at HS have in the past carried out a couple of articles related to an employee’s decision to quit an employer and the factors that influence the decision. Today we come across a live and much visible case of an ex. employee of a global financial conglomerate documenting some factors that triggered his decision…

What should i look for in my first job ?

If you are going to start on your first job, its good that you are reading this article, for others who have already been there and done that, this article may give you a chance to reflect upon your own experiences, your own learning’s. Your first job is not just about a great salary, fancy…

Looking for start-up and digital media jobs ..

Working in a start-up can be a great way to start your career, as well as to take on lots of learning’s in a small span of time. As on date, every day you have a number of start-ups springing up specially in the areas of technology, mobile media, e-commerce, internet, digital media etc. A…