Category: Insights For Employers & HR Professionals

This section contains insights related to workplace processes, hr policies and practices.

Would you apply for a job with a poorly written Job Description ?

A number of times, recruiters, hiring managers and employers may miss on some great candidates for senior level roles, CxO roles just because of poorly documented job descriptions. While browsing through one of the job portals for CxO Level position postings, we came across some JDs which had extremely generic and possibly copy pasted content.

Compensation decision for new hires ..

Mature organizations with robust processes and practices have established compensation norms, for various bands, hierarchy levels, and functions. These compensation levels are derived based on Job Analysis, Job Evaluation supported by Compensation Benchmarking exercises. Some company may also arrive at these norms based on their industry benchmarks and their business projections. Normally mature organization’s try…

Some applications & software to help your hiring process ..

One the behest of some hiring managers and search professionals in our network, we started looking out for applications, software’s and tools which could help a hiring manager, a recruitment company or any professional engaged with the hiring process.  We came across some products and are providing their brief for the benefit of our readers.…