Xpansiv CBL Holding Group (XCHG) announced the acquisition of Venus Technology Ventures (Venus) in order to provide mobile access to users of XCHG’s water, environmental, and energy commodity trading platforms.
New York-based Nathan Rockliff, XCHG Chief Strategy Officer, said – “The acquisition of Venus enables XCHG to expand its product offering, providing customers with real-time market data via their mobile. As environmental trading continues to grow into a global, around-the clock-market, mobile access to trading and live market data is vital.”
The company stated – Integrating Venus’s technology will bolster the company’s pre- and post-trade market data offerings via XSignals, launched earlier this year. XSignals provides live and historical market data to support trading, compliance, and risk-management decisions. XSignals translates Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) spot market price data into reference products, enabling global markets to accurately price ESG factors.
As part of the acquisition, Venus co-founders Vinnie Annunziata and Greg Stacey have joined XCHG.
Speaking on the developments Annunziata said – “We’re thrilled to be part of this remarkable team. This is the global marketplace for data-driven, ESG-inclusive commodities, and by adding mobile access, we’re empowering market participants to more accurately value energy, carbon, and water in an information-rich, resource-constrained world.”
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