Thales and Google Cloud announce strategic partnership to jointly develop a trusted Cloud Offering in France

Thales and Google Cloud has announced a strategic agreement to co-develop a sovereign hyperscale cloud offering for France. Operated by a joint company with Thales as the majority shareholder, it will meet the criteria of the French ‘Trusted Cloud.’

“To adapt to the diversity of our customers’ cloud needs, Thales offers a wide range of options with partners in its ecosystem. Thanks to this unique collaboration with Google Cloud, we will be able to help power the digital transformation for organizations of all sizes and industries that want to keep control and sovereignty over their data and that of their customers. Together, we will address the criteria defined by the government for a trusted cloud, as well as environmental goals with a sustainable approach for the infrastructure we will build,” said Marc Darmon, Executive Vice President, Secure Communications and Information Systems at Thales.

“Thales and Google Cloud have a joint vision to deliver the most innovative and trusted solutions to companies and public sector organizations in France. Our unique approach to addressing the concerns of French citizens and government bodies, including the development of a new company, ensures organizations can benefit from the innovation and agility of the cloud, without compromising on the security, privacy and sovereignty required by the French government,” said Thomas Kurian, CEO at Google Cloud.

“The government’s national cloud strategy clearly specifies the state’s willingness to use and promote high-performance and trusted cloud offerings. The challenge is to have the widest possible range of solutions compliant with the SecNumCloud repository which details the technical, operational and legal security rules capable of effectively protecting data and processes hosted in a cloud service. ANSSI therefore enthusiastically welcomes this ambitious project that meets these criteria,” said Guillaume Poupard, Director General of the National Information Systems Security Agency (ANSSI.)

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Arya has been a part of the Content & Research Team at She is a keen observer of  economic developments, emerging businesses, people in business and keeps a tab on latest happenings in the business environment.

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