Google is acquiring silicon valley startup Meebo !



Meebo has announced its acquisition by Google on Monday, 4th June 2012. It is understood that Google is looking at adding to its social networking services through this acquisition. As a part of the agreement the Meebo team would integrate with Google Plus team. Meebo had started in 2005 as a instant messaging platform to connect people however they have been adding on other communication features leading to a audience base of over 100 million web users in the US. 

Meebo stated in its blog:

“ We are happy to announce that Meebo has entered into an agreement to be acquired by Google!

For more than seven years we’ve been helping publishers find deeper relationships with their users and to make their sites more social and engaging. Together with Google, we’re super jazzed to roll up our sleeves and get cracking on even bigger and better ways to help users and website owners alike.

We’ve had a blast building Meebo so far and we’re really excited to start the next leg of our journey.

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