Tag: professional certification

Professionals need upskilling courses for better salary hikes: Survey by Simplilearn

Over 1,750 professionals participated in Simplilearn’s annual survey on ‘Digital Transformation and Future of Tech Jobs in India’. AI, Data Science, and Cloud Computing remain the hottest fields for 2020. Simplilearn, a leading digital skills training provider, published the findings of its annual survey titled ‘Digital Transformation and Future of Tech Jobs in India’. The…

Should you look at professional certifications for better “career prospects” or for “self development” ..

A professional certification helps with your – “career prospects” mostly an entry level, if the certification is for a skill that’s mandated by an employer or an industry. For Example: It makes sense if a networking professional at an entry level and for operational roles has a CCNA or CCNP certification. Experienced professionals can benefit…